Embark on a hilarious adventure with Detective Francis as he investigates the kidnapping of a cloned beauty! Monroe, renowned for its revolutionary cloning technology, is thriving thanks to "DNA Revolution," a company mass-producing celebrity and personality clones. This technological marvel fuels the town's prosperity, with cloned experts enriching various fields. The annual cloned beauty contest is on the horizon, but a crime threatens to disrupt the festivities. Join Francis in this classic point-and-click adventure filled with comedic twists and turns.
- Stunning 4K widescreen resolution with hand-drawn 2D comic book style graphics.
- Explore over 50 diverse game screens and locations, with hundreds of interactive items.
- A captivating storyline packed with humor and unexpected plot twists.
- An engaging soundtrack and sound effects.
- Approximately 8-10 hours of gameplay.
- An in-game guide is available to assist with challenging puzzles.
- A true classic point-and-click adventure game experience.
- Fully voiced in English.
What's New in Version 1.15.3 (December 4, 2024):
This is the initial release of the game.