ニュース Marvel's Halloween Update Boosts FPS, Offers Frightening Festivities

Marvel's Halloween Update Boosts FPS, Offers Frightening Festivities

著者 : Max アップデート:Jan 22,2025


Marvel Contest of Champions unleashes its spooky Halloween update, adding new characters and challenges to celebrate its 10th anniversary. This chilling event plunges players back into the Battlerealm.

The Halloween Event: A House of Horrors

This update introduces Scream and Jack O’ Lantern as playable champions. Scream, the familiar symbiote, joins forces with Jack O’ Lantern, whose dark history lives up to his name—he transforms victims into unsettling jack-o'-lanterns.

Players join Jessica Jones to solve a mysterious case leading to a terrifying carnival filled with animatronic horrors. "Jack’s Bounty-full Hunt," a gladiator-style side quest, offers weekly challenges with branching paths, running from October 9th to November 6th.

Celebrating 10 Years of Marvel Contest of Champions

The Halloween event coincides with the game's 10th anniversary. Kabam is celebrating with ten major reveals, including reworked versions of Medusa and Purgatory.

The "Deadpool’s Ultimate Multiplayer Bonanza" features an Alliance Super Season with collaborative bounty missions. Venom-themed content, including the "Venom: Last Dance" event (October 21st – November 15th), is also part of the anniversary celebration. Anniversary Battlegrounds Season 22 is live until October 30th, boasting new features emphasizing buffs and critical hits.

60 FPS Update on the Horizon

A significant upgrade is coming: a 60 FPS gameplay update for smoother action, launching on November 4th.

Download Marvel Contest of Champions from the Google Play Store and prepare for a thrilling Halloween and anniversary celebration!

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