ニュース Pokémon Go is bringing Dynamax versions of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in the Legendary Flight event

Pokémon Go is bringing Dynamax versions of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in the Legendary Flight event

著者 : Finn アップデート:Jan 22,2025

Get ready for the Legendary Flight event in Pokémon Go! Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are making their Dynamax debuts.

This exciting event runs from January 20th to February 3rd, featuring the legendary bird trio in their powerful Dynamax forms during Max Battles. These enhanced battles were recently added to the game.

The event unfolds across Max Mondays:

  • January 20th: Dynamax Articuno takes center stage.
  • January 27th: Dynamax Zapdos enters the fray.
  • February 3rd: Dynamax Moltres concludes the event.

Each Dynamax Pokémon will be available in Max Battles at select PokéStops for a week following its initial appearance.


These five-star Max Battles offer a chance to catch these legendary birds, and you might even be lucky enough to encounter their Shiny versions! Remember, each bird's Dynamax appearance is time-limited.

Beyond the legendary birds, other Pokémon will join the Max Battle roster:

  • January 20th-27th: Charmander, Beldum, and Scorbunny.
  • January 27th-February 3rd: Bulbasaur, Cryogonal, and Grookey.
  • February: Squirtle, Krabby, and Sobble will also appear.

Need extra supplies? A Max Particle Pack bundle (4,800 Max Particles) is available for $7.99 in the Pokémon Go Web Store. Max Particles are essential for participating in Max Battles and boosting your chances of catching these legendary Pokémon. Don't forget to redeem your Pokémon Go codes for additional free items!

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