ゲーム シミュレーション Raft® Survival: Multiplayer
Raft® Survival: Multiplayer

Raft® Survival: Multiplayer


Experience the thrill of oceanic survival with friends in Raft Survival: Multiplayer! This exciting multiplayer game challenges you to collaborate, construct a raft, gather vital resources, and craft items to endure a post-apocalyptic world. Engage in intense PvP battles against friends and other players, vying for dominance on the open seas.

Use your hook to collect resources, create stations, and strategically navigate between rafts to outmaneuver opponents. Earn points for every action and compete for valuable rewards. Boasting HD graphics, a vast array of weapons and armor, and limitless crafting and building possibilities, this game offers endless hours of gameplay. Download now and prove you're the ultimate ocean storm!

Raft Survival: Multiplayer Features:

  • PvP Mode: Engage in intense raft-based deathmatches against friends and other players, showcasing your skills and strategic prowess to conquer the battlefield.
  • Hook Resource Collection: Use your ingenuity to gather essential items from the ocean, ensuring your survival in this post-apocalyptic setting.
  • Weapon and Armor Crafting: Customize your arsenal with a wide selection of weapons and armor to prepare for unexpected enemy encounters.
  • Multiplayer Mode: Team up with up to 10 friends in multiplayer mode, collaborating to build a formidable raft and overcome the challenges of the open ocean.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do I earn points? Points are awarded for various in-battle actions, with bonus doubloons for the top three winners.
  • Can I play with friends online? Yes, create rooms and invite friends using a unique code to embark on shared multiplayer survival adventures.
  • Are there unique items and armor to discover? Absolutely! Discover rare items and armor while exploring the ocean and battling other players.


Raft Survival: Multiplayer delivers a dynamic and immersive online survival adventure featuring thrilling PvP combat, resource gathering, extensive crafting options, and engaging multiplayer experiences. Forge alliances, confront challenges, and strive to become the ultimate survivor in this vast and perilous ocean environment. Download now and begin your adrenaline-pumping journey with your friends!

Raft® Survival: Multiplayer スクリーンショット 0
Raft® Survival: Multiplayer スクリーンショット 1
Raft® Survival: Multiplayer スクリーンショット 2
Raft® Survival: Multiplayer スクリーンショット 3
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