Discover the captivating mystery of Sasaki Shin'ya's life in Hinoyama, a tranquil countryside town where he and his mother run a charming café. His life, however, is marked by dullness since his father's passing. Seeking peace, Shin'ya stumbles upon a horrifying discovery: a series of deaths in a local park. A chance encounter with a mysterious woman leads to a shocking end, but not the final chapter. Waking up four decades later, Shin'ya's journey of rebirth and intrigue begins. Download now to uncover the truth.
App Features:
- A gripping narrative: Dive into a compelling story filled with mystery and supernatural elements that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
- Stunning visuals: Immerse yourself in breathtaking graphics that bring the world and characters to life.
- Multiple paths, multiple endings: Your choices directly influence the story's outcome, offering replayability and diverse experiences.
- Memorable characters: Interact with a rich cast of individuals, each with unique personalities and compelling backstories.
- Engaging gameplay: Solve puzzles, uncover secrets, and make strategic decisions as you progress through the narrative.
- Ongoing updates: Experience continuous expansion with new chapters, storylines, and additional content.
Unravel the secrets surrounding Sasaki Shin'ya's death and his awakening in a future 40 years removed. This app delivers an unforgettable experience with its immersive story, stunning visuals, and captivating gameplay. Shape the narrative, connect with intriguing characters, and solve the mysteries that await. Download now and prepare for a journey filled with suspense and unexpected twists.