- Kingdom Come의 주사위 게임을 마스터하십시오 :이 배지와 함께 배달 2 *!
Kingdom Come에서 Groschen 수입을 높이십시오 : 31 개의 가용 배지를 모두 획득하여 배달 2 의 주사위 게임. 이 안내서는 각 배지 효과와 알려진 위치에 대해 자세히 설명합니다. 더 많은 위치가 발견되면이 안내서를 업데이트하겠습니다.
Badge | Effect | Location |
Tin Doppelganger’s Badge | Doubles points from your last throw (once per game). | TBD |
Tin Badge of Headstart | Small point advantage at game start. | TBD |
Tin Badge of Defence | Negates opponent's Tin badges. | TBD |
Tin Badge of Fortune | Reroll one die (once per game). | TBD |
Tin Badge of Might | Add one extra die (once per game). | TBD |
Tin Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a 3 (once per game). | TBD |
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage | 3+5 combination forms a "Cut" (repeatable). | TBD |
Tin Warlord’s Badge | 25% more points this turn (once per game). | Looted from Ursula’s Mother during "All’s Fair" quest. |
Tin Badge of Resurrection | Reroll after an unlucky throw (once per game). | TBD |
Silver Doppelganger’s Badge | Doubles points from your last throw (twice per game). | Looted from a soldier on Trosky Castle balcony during "Storm" quest. |
Silver Badge of Headstart | Moderate point advantage at game start. | TBD |
Silver Badge of Defence | Negates opponent's Silver badges. | TBD |
Silver Swap-Out Badge | Reroll one die of your choice (once per game). | TBD |
Silver Badge of Fortune | Reroll up to two dice (once per game). | TBD |
Silver Badge of Might | Add one extra die (twice per game). | TBD |
Silver Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a 5 (once per game). | TBD |
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage | 4+5+6 combination forms a "Gallows" (repeatable). | TBD |
Silver Warlord’s Badge | 50% more points this turn (once per game). | Looted from the Scribe’s Chambers in Trosky Castle during "Storm" quest; also from a hard lockpick chest in Hendi von Grolle’s room during "The Fifth Commandment" quest. |
Silver Badge of Resurrection | Reroll after an unlucky throw (twice per game). | TBD |
Silver King’s Badge | Add one extra die (twice per game). | TBD |
Gold Doppelganger Badge | Doubles points from your last throw (thrice per game). | TBD |
Gold Badge of Headstart | Large point advantage at game start. | TBD |
Gold Badge of Defence | Negates opponent's Gold badges. | TBD |
Gold Swap-Out Badge | Reroll two dice of the same value (once per game). | TBD |
Gold Badge of Fortune | Reroll up to three dice (once per game). | TBD |
> <> 골드 배지의 금 배지
인기 게임
더 +
1.018 / 112.00M
3.3.0 / 21.00M
0.3 / 1230.00M
3 / 70.00M
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