LINE Manga app boasts a massive library of manga across diverse genres, featuring exclusive originals and popular adaptations. With over 700,000 titles, including exclusive content, you'll find something to love, from mainstream hits to niche favorites. Enjoy up to 13 free stories daily through features like "Daily Free" and "¥0 Pass." Fans of manga-based anime and movies will also find a treasure trove of titles. Explore a vast collection of manga and novels with LINE Manga!
Key Features of LINE Manga:
- Extensive selection of popular manga, including those adapted into dramas and anime.
- Over 700,000 works spanning various genres, such as boys'/young men's manga, romance, and more.
- Free reading opportunities with "Daily Free" and "¥0 Pass" for cost-effective enjoyment.
- Abundant original works and exclusive early access manga, with 700+ titles app-exclusive.
- Regular special campaigns and events, including coin return campaigns and mission events for free coins.
- One-stop access to popular manga adapted into anime and movies.
In Conclusion:
LINE Manga offers free reading options via "Daily Free" and regular free coin campaigns, alongside attractive deals. The app's diverse manga and novel selection, combined with its access to popular works adapted into anime and movies, makes it a must-have for manga enthusiasts. Download now and start reading!