Embark on a magical mystery in Merge Witch: Magic Story! Rosy, a bright young student at an international magic school, receives a frantic letter from her grandmother urging her to return home. Upon arrival, Rosy discovers her grandmother missing and her house in chaos. Join Rosy as she unravels the mystery!
![Image: Game Screenshot](Missing Image Placeholder)
Merge and Restore: Use your magical abilities to merge various dishes and tools, creating powerful magical items to rebuild the grandmother's house and uncover clues.
Solve the Mystery: Where has Grandma gone? Search Rosy's house for hidden clues and solve the puzzle behind her disappearance. Use your magic and wit to find her!
Restore the House: Help Rosy restore her grandmother's home to its former glory! Decorate it with magical items and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Adorable Characters: Meet the charming cats residing in Grandma's house, and receive helpful hints from friendly neighbors like Asha and Caroline, and even the magic ingredient seller, Mr. Edwin!
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What's New (Version 1.2.3 - Dec 18, 2024): Uncover brand new hidden secrets with Witch Rosy!
(Note: The image placeholder needs to be replaced with the actual game screenshot.)