Explore the mysteries of The Abandoned Planet, a captivating new point-and-click adventure game now available on Android! Developed by Snapbreak, this space exploration title plunges you into the shoes of an astronaut who crash-lands on a desolate, uncharted world after a wormhole encounter.
Your Mission on The Abandoned Planet
The game unfolds on a barren planet devoid of life, setting the stage for a thrilling narrative blending suspense, puzzles, and intriguing mysteries. As the intrepid astronaut heroine, you must navigate this hostile environment, unravel the secrets of your surroundings, and ultimately find a way back home. Your journey begins with piecing together the story of this eerie planet and its hidden enigmas.
Stunning Visuals and Immersive Gameplay
Prepare to be captivated by the game's impressive 2D pixel art, meticulously crafted to depict lush jungles, mysterious caves, and more. Enjoy full voice acting in both English and Spanish, enhancing the game's accessibility and immersive quality. With hundreds of locations to explore, The Abandoned Planet promises a truly expansive adventure.
Check out the official trailer below!
Ready for the Challenge?
Drawing inspiration from classic adventure games like Myst, Riven, and LucasArts titles of the 90s, The Abandoned Planet masterfully blends old-school charm with modern gameplay. The game features classic point-and-click mechanics and detailed pixel art.
Unsure if it's for you? A free demo is available, allowing you to experience the game before committing to the full version. Download it now from the Google Play Store!
And for more gaming news, check out our article on Auto Pirates: Captains Cup, a Dota Underlords-style game now in early access on Android!