Navigating the treacherous terrains of Eora in *Avowed* is no small feat, but fear not—each journey through the Living Lands is made safer and more enjoyable with the right companions by your side. *Avowed* introduces you to four distinct Companions, each bringing their unique personalities and a suite of upgradable abilities to your party. Let's dive into the details of every Companion you can recruit in *Avowed*.
Kai is your first encounter with a proper Companion in *Avowed*. You'll meet him early in the game, right at the port in Dawnshore near Paradis. As soon as you step onto the dock, Kai will approach you, and together, you'll embark on a mission to find the Ambassador and the Cleric. Kai stays with you until you have three Companions, at which point you can swap him out at a Party Camp.
In *Avowed*, Kai is not just any companion; he's a fierce ex-mercenary with a heart of gold. In battle, Kai serves as a tank, capable of both taking and dishing out substantial damage. His fire abilities are particularly useful for clearing obstacles like cobwebs and roots, which can unlock hidden paths and treasures.
Kai's upgradable abilities include:
- Fire and Ire, Active: Kai unleashes a powerful shot from his blunderbuss, stunning and taunting a single enemy for 10 seconds.
- Unbending Defense, Active: Kai regenerates health and boosts his damage reduction by 25%.
- Leap of Daring, Active: Kai leaps into battle, stunning and taunting all nearby enemies.
- Second Win, Passive: Upon reaching zero health, Kai revives himself, restoring 50% of his maximum health.
Marius, the second Companion you'll meet in *Avowed*, shares a past with Kai and can be found in Dawnshore. You'll join him at a bar, where you can either negotiate or fight your way out of a confrontation with some aggressive NPCs.
As an expert hunter and tracker, Marius brings his skills into both narrative and gameplay. His Hunter Sense ability aids in discovering loot and crafting materials throughout the Living Lands. In combat, Marius uses a bow and arrow along with daggers, and he can manipulate nature to ensnare enemies in Roots.
Marius's upgradable abilities are:
- Binding Roots, Active: Marius roots an enemy in place for 8 seconds.
- Heart Seeker, Active: Marius aims and fires a piercing shot that always hits its target, passing through obstacles.
- Shadow Step, Active: Marius disappears in a cloud of smoke, reappearing to slash enemies up to three times.
- Wounding Shots, Passive: Marius's attacks cause bleeding.
Giatta is the third Companion to join your party in *Avowed*, found later in the main quest in the Emerald Stair Region at the Fior settlement. As an animancer, Giatta practices a controversial form of magic within the Living Lands.
Her abilities play a crucial role in uncovering the spiritual mysteries of *Avowed*'s Main Quest. In combat, Giatta serves as a support character, healing, shielding, and buffing allies. Her Spectral Jolt ability powers Essence Generators, helping to explore hidden areas and collect loot.
Giatta's upgradable abilities include:
- Purification, Active: Giatta sends out a wave of energy, healing all allies by 25% of their maximum health.
- Barrier, Active: Giatta provides temporary health shields to all allies for 20 seconds.
- Acceleration, Active: Giatta boosts the movement and attack speed of all allies for 15 seconds.
- Reconstruction, Passive: Giatta's attacks heal allies a small amount.
Yatzli is the final Companion you can recruit in *Avowed*. You'll encounter her during a main quest in the Shatterscarp region within the city of Thirdborn, though she can be met earlier in the game.
Like Giatta, Yatzli wields magic, but her focus is on dealing damage. Her spells are powerful against both single targets and groups, making her excellent for crowd control. Yatzli can also clear obstacles, aiding in exploration throughout the Living Lands.
Yatzli's upgradable abilities are:
- Essence Explosion, Active: Yatzli unleashes an arcane explosion upon contact, releasing Essence and dealing explosive damage.
- Minoletta’s Missile Battery, Active: Yatzli launches a volley of seeking arcane missiles at nearby enemies.
- Arduos Delay of Motion, Active: Yatzli slows an enemy for 10 seconds using arcane energy.
- Blast, Passive: Yatzli's attacks create a small area of effect upon impact.
These are all the Companions you can recruit in *Avowed*, each adding depth and versatility to your adventures in Eora. *Avowed* is now available on PC and Xbox, ready for you to explore the Living Lands with your new allies.