Earabit Studios unveils the fourth installment in their acclaimed Methods series: Methods 4: The Best Detective. Following the gripping narratives of Detective Competition, Secrets and Death, and The Invisible Man, this chapter plunges players deeper into the twists and turns of this unique crime-thriller visual novel.
The Premise:
One hundred detectives clash in a high-stakes competition, solving intricate crimes orchestrated by some of the world's most cunning criminals. The grand prize? A million dollars and a life-altering opportunity. However, a criminal who triumphs also receives a million dollars and parole, regardless of their criminal history. Methods 4 covers Chapters 61-85 of this thrilling contest.
A massive hit on Steam, the Methods: Detective Competition saga has been divided into five parts for mobile release, with Methods 4 being the penultimate chapter. Intrigued? Let's take a peek:
The Story So Far:
Following The Invisible Man, detectives Ashdown and Woes have conquered Stage Four. Their success, however, presents a new set of problems for the shadowy Gamemasters, who must navigate their own secrets while devising fresh challenges. Meanwhile, Haney works to expose their scheme, Catscratcher wreaks havoc, and the even more complex Stage Five looms.
Gameplay remains true to the Methods formula: players investigate crime scenes, analyze evidence, and answer multiple-choice questions to solve cases. Expect over 25 interactive crime scenes, a captivating narrative, and the series' distinctive art style.
Download Methods 4: The Best Detective from the Google Play Store. And for more gaming news, check out our article on TED Tumblewords, Netflix's newest game.