Carmen Sandiego is now available on Netflix Games for iOS and Android! This exclusive early release gives Netflix subscribers a first crack at the latest adventure.
The globe-trotting vigilante takes on her former allies in the nefarious V.I.L.E. organization. Sandiego will travel the world, tracking down and capturing V.I.L.E. agents with a mix of exploration, stealth, and thrilling hang-gliding minigames.
This entry marks a departure from previous games, which often featured point-and-click mechanics and portrayed Sandiego as the villain. The early Netflix release highlights the success of this reinvention of Carmen Sandiego as a globe-trotting hero.
Netflix's eagerness to launch Carmen Sandiego early underscores its potential. Gameloft's first major multi-platform release could set a new standard for mobile gaming experiences. This early access provides additional value for Netflix subscribers.
With its diverse features, Carmen Sandiego shows promise, but its ultimate reception remains to be seen.
Want to stay up-to-date on the latest game releases? Check out our regular "Ahead of the Game" feature! This week, Catherine explores the multiplayer dungeon crawler Gold & Glory, reviewing this treasure-grabbing simulator.