Dive into the supernatural world of the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game with its latest expansion, "Faithful Friends"! This sixth full-sized expansion, published by Hidden Achievement and developed by Evil Hat Productions, delves into the thrilling narratives of the 16th and 17th books in Jim Butcher's acclaimed series, Peace Talks and Battle Ground.
Based on the popular book series that began in 2000 and now boasts 17 novels, the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game puts you in the shoes of Harry Dresden, a wizarding private investigator battling supernatural forces in Chicago. You'll encounter a diverse cast of creatures, from vampires and faeries to demons, spirits, and werewolves.
What's New in "Faithful Friends"?
This expansion introduces two exciting new playable characters: River Shoulders and Sir Waldo, adding fresh perspectives and strategic options to the gameplay. Expect new card decks mirroring the events of Peace Talks and Battle Ground, introducing challenging new cases, intensified obstacles, innovative card mechanics, and formidable new enemies.
Gameplay Overview:
The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game features a compelling blend of strategic card play and immersive storytelling. Alongside Harry Dresden, you'll collaborate with other main characters like Murphy, Susan, Michael, and the Alphas. The game seamlessly integrates scenarios from the novels with the randomized "Side Jobs" feature, based on the short story collection, offering high replayability.
Supporting 1-5 players with an average playtime of 30 minutes, this cross-platform game offers various modes and is available on the Google Play Store. Grab the game and experience the latest expansion today!
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