The acclaimed cyberpunk anime game, Punishing: Gray Raven, teams up with another celebrated cyberpunk franchise in its latest content update, Blazing Simulacrum. This significant update from Kuro Games brings the visually stunning action-RPG and BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER together.
Blazing Simulacrum introduces a captivating new story chapter, fresh coatings and returning SFX coatings, a plethora of limited-time events, and a brand-new A-Rank Omniframe. Her exclusive Elder Flame coating also debuts with this patch.
BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER is remarkably new-player friendly, obtainable within just 10 pulls. She wields the exclusive Bladed Cannon, ★Rock Cannon, and boasts a range of skills, including damage output during her signature move. She's a prime addition to any fire team.
Her weapon and skill animations faithfully capture the original character's essence. The blue flame in her eye, the masterful use of the ★Rock Cannon, and her accurate costume replication showcase the meticulous detail in this collaboration.
More Update Details
The Blazing Simulacrum patch features both new and returning SFX coatings. Returning coatings include Solitary Dream for Bianca: Stigmata and Vox Solaris for Selene: Capriccio, while Snowbreak Bloom for Liv: Luminance and Nightbreaker for Lucia: Crimson Weave are making their debut.A thrilling Chessboard Realms roguelike game mode further enhances this update.
About Punishing: Gray Raven
In a dystopian future, humanity faces annihilation at the hands of Corrupted robots, biomechanically warped by the Punishing virus. From the space station Babylonia, you lead the Gray Raven special forces unit, building an army to reclaim your world.
Since its 2021 release, Punishing: Gray Raven has received numerous updates, maintaining its fast-paced ARPG gameplay and player engagement. A PC client and English dub were added in 2023.
Download Punishing: Gray Raven for free today on Android, iOS, or PC and dive into the action!