Owning livestock in *Fields of Mistria* can be a lucrative endeavor, but the daily task of petting them can become tedious. Fortunately, there's a solution to streamline this process: installing an auto-petter on your farm. Although the vanilla version of *Fields of Mistria* doesn't include an auto-petter, you can achieve this convenience through mods.
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-----------------------------------Unfortunately, *Fields of Mistria* does not include an auto-petter device in its base game. This means that in the vanilla version, you'll have to manually pet your livestock each day. However, there's a workaround available through modding.
I recommend using the **Animal Friends mod** by annanomoly, available on Nexus Mods. This mod not only auto-pets your livestock daily but also feeds them. To install it, you'll need the **Mods of Mistria Installer**, a necessary supporting program. Skipping this step will prevent the mod from activating.
To set up the mod, follow these steps:
- Create a new folder named "Mods" in your *Fields of Mistria* directory.
- Download the AnimalFriends.zip file and place it in the Mods folder.
- Extract the contents of the zip file.
- Delete or move the original zip file to another location.
- Run the Mods of Mistria Installer to complete the installation of the mod.
The Animal Friends mod offers several features you can enable. Alongside the auto-petter, you can activate an auto-feeder, a friendship multiplier, and a prevent friendship loss feature. The friendship multiplier boosts the heart points your animals gain, while the prevent friendship loss ensures that these points don't diminish over time.
To adjust these settings, locate the AnimalFriends.json file within the unzipped mod folder. Open this file to find a simple text document. To activate a feature, change "false" to "true". For instance, to enable the auto-petter, modify the setting to look like this: ["auto-feed": true]. Similarly, to disable a feature, change "true" back to "false".
The friendship multiplier is adjusted differently. Instead of toggling between true and false, you enter a number between 1 and 100. Setting it to the maximum number can expedite bonding with your animals, while setting it back to 1 disables the feature.
Upon first installation, the mod comes with default settings where auto-pet and auto-feed functions are inactive. However, it automatically multiplies the heart points gained from petting by five and activates the prevent friendship loss feature.
To remove the mod, don't simply delete the mod folder. Use the Mods of Mistria Installer to properly uninstall it, avoiding any potential corruption or errors in your save file.
That's all you need to know about implementing an auto-petter in *Fields of Mistria*. Before installing the mod, back up your save file to ensure you're covered, even though the mod is generally stable.
*Fields of Mistria* is available to play on PC.