Celebrating 20 Years of Monster Hunter: A Digimon Collaboration
To mark Monster Hunter's 20th anniversary, Capcom's acclaimed action-RPG franchise has teamed up with Digimon to release the "Digimon COLOR Monster Hunter 20th Edition" V-Pet. This special edition features designs based on the iconic Rathalos and Zinogre, priced at 7,700 Yen (approximately $53.2 USD) before additional fees.
The Digimon COLOR Monster Hunter 20th Edition boasts a vibrant color LCD screen, advanced UV printing, and a convenient rechargeable battery. Maintaining the series' tradition, it offers customizable background designs. A unique "Cold Mode" feature temporarily suspends monster growth, hunger, and strength, while a backup system ensures your progress is safe.
Pre-orders and Global Availability
Pre-orders for the Japanese release are currently open on Bandai's official Japanese online store. Please be aware that international shipping may incur extra charges.
Currently, there's no official announcement regarding a global release. Demand has been incredibly high, with the devices reportedly selling out shortly after the announcement. The initial pre-order window closes today at 11:00 p.m. JST (7:00 a.m. PT / 10:00 a.m. ET). Follow the Digimon Web Twitter (X) account for updates on subsequent pre-order opportunities. The expected release date is April 2025.