- Rookidee, Corvisquire, and Corviknight debut in Pokémon GO's Steely Resolve event, starting January 21st.
- The Dual Destiny Season loading screen previously teased these Pokémon's arrival.
- The event features special research, field research tasks, and increased shiny Pokémon encounter rates.
Pokémon GO announced the highly anticipated arrival of Rookidee, Corvisquire, and Corviknight on January 21st during the Steely Resolve event. Pokémon GO players have eagerly awaited the addition of this Galar region evolutionary line, significantly expanding the game's Galar Pokémon roster.
Niantic's December 2024 launch of Pokémon GO's Dual Destiny Season included a new loading screen featuring Rookidee and Corviknight, sparking speculation among players. The absence of these Pokémon in subsequent events only heightened anticipation.
That wait concludes on January 21st with the Steely Resolve event, running from 10 AM to 8 PM local time (January 21st-26th). This event marks the trio's in-game debut, accompanied by a new Dual Destiny seasonal Special Research with unique rewards. Magnetic Lure Modules will attract Pokémon like Onix and Beldum; Shadow Pokémon can unlearn Frustration using Charged TMs. Increased spawn rates for ten Pokémon, including Clefairy, Paldean Wooper, and Carbink, are also planned.
Corviknight Evolutionary Line Debuts in Pokémon GO
- When: Tuesday, January 21st, 10 AM to Sunday, January 26th, 8 PM local time.
- New Pokémon: Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight
- Dual Destiny Special Research
- Field Research Tasks
- $5 Paid Timed Research
- Use a Charged TM to remove Frustration from Shadow Pokémon.
- Magnetic Lure Modules attract Onix, Beldum, Shieldon, and Rookidee.
Wild Encounters:
- Clefairy*
- Machop*
- Totodile*
- Marill*
- Hoppip*
- Paldean Wooper*
- Shieldon*
- Bunnelby*
- Carbink
- Mareanie*
(*Shiny possible)
- One-Star Raids: Lickitung*, Skorupi*, Pancham*, Amaura*
- Five-Star Raids: Deoxys (Attack Forme)* (until January 24th, 10 AM); Deoxys (Defense Forme)* (until January 24th, 10 AM); Dialga* (starting January 24th, 10 AM)
- Mega Raids: Mega Gallade* (until January 24th, 10 AM); Mega Medicham* (starting January 24th, 10 AM)
(*Shiny possible)
2km Eggs:
- Shieldon*
- Carbink
- Mareanie*
- Rookidee
(*Shiny possible)
Featured Attacks:
- Machamp: Evolve Machoke during the event for Karate Chop.
- Feraligatr: Evolve Croconaw during the event for Hydro Cannon.
- Quagsire: Evolve Wooper during the event for Aqua Tail.
- Lickilicky: Evolve Lickitung during the event for Body Slam.
- Corviknight: Evolve Corvisquire during the event for Iron Head.
- Clodsire: Evolve Paldean Wooper during the event for Megahorn.
GO Battle Week: Dual Destiny
- When: Tuesday, January 21st, 12:00 AM to Sunday, January 26th, 11:59 PM local time.
- Bonuses: 4x Stardust from win rewards (excluding end-of-set rewards); increased daily battle set limit to 20 (100 battles total); free battle-themed Timed Research (Grimsley-inspired avatar shoes); wider IV spread on GO Battle League encounter Pokémon.
Active Leagues: Leagues start and end at 1:00 PM PST (GMT -8) on the dates listed.
- January 14th - January 21st: Master League*, Color Cup: Great League Edition*
- January 21st - January 28th: Great League*, Ultra League*, Master League*
(*4x Stardust from win rewards (excluding end-of-set rewards))
The Steely Resolve event includes Mega Raids, one-star raids, and five-star raids featuring Deoxys (Attack and Defense Forme) and Dialga. 2km Eggs will contain Shieldon, Carbink, Mareanie, or Rookidee. The event also features new Field Research tasks, $5 Paid Timed Research, Showcases, and web store offers. Evolving Machoke, Croconaw, Wooper, Lickitung, Corvisquire, and Paldean Wooper during the event grants access to featured attacks. GO Battle Week introduces new leagues and bonuses like 4x Stardust for winning rewards.
Pokémon GO players are enjoying a busy start to the year, with multiple events. Beyond the Corviknight line's debut, January will see new Shadow Raids (including Shadow Ho-Oh's return), Dynamax raids featuring Kanto's Legendary Birds (January 20th-February 3rd), and the return of the Pokémon GO Community Day Classic.