Santa Monica Studio, the team behind the acclaimed God of War series, is reportedly developing a new, unannounced project. This intriguing news comes from a recent update on the LinkedIn profile of Glauco Longhi, a veteran character artist.
Glauco Longhi's Hints at a New IP
A Sci-Fi Game?
Longhi, who recently rejoined Santa Monica Studio, revealed that he's overseeing character development for this "unannounced project." His previous work includes significant contributions to God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnarök. His LinkedIn profile states he's "Supervising/Directing Character development on an unannounced project, and also helping the studio to continually push and raise the bar on Character Development for videogames."
This cryptic update fuels speculation, particularly given that Cory Barlog, creative director of the 2018 God of War reboot, previously indicated the studio was working on multiple projects. Furthermore, Santa Monica Studio's recent recruitment drive for a character artist and tools programmer suggests a significant expansion of the team, hinting at a large-scale project underway.
Rumors and Speculation
While nothing is confirmed, whispers of a new sci-fi IP from Santa Monica Studio, potentially led by God of War 3's Stig Asmussen, have circulated. Sony's trademark of "Intergalactic The Heretic Prophet" earlier this year added fuel to the fire, although no further details have emerged. Past rumors of a cancelled sci-fi PS4 project from the studio also contribute to the ongoing speculation. The truth, however, remains shrouded in mystery until an official announcement.