Webzen, renowned for MU Online and R2 Online, unveiled its latest creation, TERBIS, at the bustling Summer Comiket 2024 in Tokyo. This cross-platform (PC/Mobile) character-collecting RPG promises a visually stunning experience.
TERBIS boasts a captivating anime art style sure to enthrall genre fans. Each character possesses a rich backstory, adding depth to the gameplay and encouraging player engagement. Real-time combat further enhances the experience, with diverse battle dynamics depending on the characters selected. Strategic team formation and character interplay are key to victory.
The TERBIS booth at Summer Comiket 2024 was a hive of activity. Attendees eagerly collected exclusive merchandise, including stylish bags and fans, providing welcome relief from the summer heat.
Cosplayers portraying TERBIS characters added to the vibrant atmosphere, captivating visitors with their detailed costumes. Interactive elements such as polls, surveys, and social media engagement kept the energy high throughout the event.
Summer Comiket 2024, held at Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Centre) from August 11-12, attracted over 260,000 visitors over its two-day run. This biannual event showcases manga and anime from independent creators.
Stay informed about TERBIS developments by following the game's official Japanese and Korean X (formerly Twitter) accounts. Don't miss out on the latest news and updates!