Embark on an epic journey through a Stargate-filled galaxy in System Lords! This unique strategy game offers boundless possibilities. Each planet boasts a unique gate address, allowing players to conquer using either starships or by navigating the vast, interconnected gate network. System Lords embraces the philosophy of divine rule – you are a god, and no one commands you! Embrace this power as you play.
This isn't just a game; it's a new life crafted within this expansive galaxy. Spread your influence, conquering planets across the cosmos!
Approximately half the galaxy's planets feature Stargates with unique addresses. Players can choose between Stargate assault or starship warfare.
Forge alliances or join existing ones to execute strategic battle plans. Each alliance receives a dedicated forum and profile with customizable banners. Communicate seamlessly with friends and alliance members via the game's chat and messaging system.
The game's intuitive interface ensures effortless navigation. Integrated map pinging within the chat system simplifies planet targeting and profile linking. An in-game guide and helpful tooltips provide seamless onboarding for new players.