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Iowa Public Radio App

Iowa Public Radio App

The Iowa Public Radio app provides convenient access to Iowa Public Radio programming, offering listeners a streamlined experience. Key features include live audio streaming with pause, rewind, and fast-forward capabilities, allowing for flexible listening. Users can easily view program schedules, explore on-demand content, and save favorite shows for later. A unique search function extends beyond Iowa Public Radio, allowing users to discover content across hundreds of stations and websites. Additional features such as sharing options, a sleep timer, and an alarm clock enhance the overall listening experience. Developed by Iowa Public Radio and Public Media Apps, the app ensures users can easily find their desired programming whenever they want.

App Highlights:

  • Live Streaming with DVR Functionality: Pause, rewind, and fast-forward live audio streams for complete control over listening. Resume playback effortlessly after interruptions.

  • Integrated Program Guide: Easily browse the Iowa Public Radio schedule and plan your listening sessions.

  • Effortless Program Switching: Quickly switch between different programs or streams with a single click.

  • On-Demand Content: Conveniently access and manage past Iowa Public Radio programs, including individual segments where available.

  • Comprehensive Search: The innovative "Search Public Radio" feature allows users to locate programs and stories across a vast network of stations and online resources.

  • Sharing, Sleep Timer, and Alarm Clock: Share favorite content with others, utilize the built-in sleep timer for peaceful listening, or wake up to your preferred station with the alarm clock function.


The Iowa Public Radio app provides a user-friendly platform for enjoying Iowa Public Radio content. Its features, including live streaming with DVR controls, a comprehensive program schedule, and a powerful search function, combine to create a rich and engaging listening experience. The ability to access on-demand content, share programs, and use the sleep timer and alarm clock further enhances the app's appeal. In short, this app offers an easy and enjoyable way to connect with Iowa Public Radio.

Iowa Public Radio App應用截圖第0張
Iowa Public Radio App應用截圖第1張
Iowa Public Radio App應用截圖第2張
Iowa Public Radio App應用截圖第3張
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