在 黑色行动6 僵尸中解锁自由待遇:坟墓复活节彩蛋
在 《使命召唤:黑色行动6 僵尸》的《坟墓地图》中,获得特权对于生存至关重要。虽然珀克机散布在整个过程中,但它们的成本可以迅速流失您的资源。幸运的是,一个简单的复活节彩蛋可以免费获得福利。这是获取它的方法:
1。装备纳帕尔姆爆发:将凝固乳房爆发武器附着附加到您的一种武器上。 2。找到骨头:前往地图的骨头区域。 3。激活灯:在骨骼内射击所有六个灯以照亮它们。
所有津贴 黑色行动6 僵尸
Perk-a-Cola Name | Perk Description |
Deadshot Daiquiri | Auto-aims critical hits, increasing critical damage. |
Death Perception | Reveals enemies through obstacles. |
Elemental Pop | Chance to apply a random Ammo Mod upon firing. |
Jugger-Nog | Increases maximum health by 100. |
Melee Macchiato | Boosts melee damage inflicted with the butt of a weapon. |
PhD Flopper | Immunity to self-inflicted damage and status effects; diving prone causes an explosion (damage increases with fall height); fall damage immunity while diving prone. |
Quick Revive | Reduces health regeneration and ally revive times by 50%. |
Speed Cola | Increases reload and armor plating speed by 30%. |
Stamin-Up | Increases movement speed. |
Vulture Aid | Increases loot drops, including Essence Vials and ammo. |
这完成了指南以在坟墓中获得自由待遇。有关更多 《使命召唤 秘密》,请查看Nuketown Mannequin复活节彩蛋指南。