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Introducing Infinity Nikki: Delving into Evolutionary Insights

作者 : Caleb 更新日期:Jan 22,2025

The fickle nature of fashion dictates that today's style icon can be forgotten tomorrow if their style remains stagnant. Repetitive outfits are a surefire way to fade into obscurity. So how can you inject variety into your wardrobe? Clothing evolution offers a solution.

evolution in Infinity NikkiImage: ensigame.com

Let's explore how to diversify your wardrobe through evolution.

Table of Contents:

  • How to Evolve Outfits
  • Changing the Color of 5-Star Outfits
  • What Evolution Affects

Evolving Your Outfits:

It's a straightforward process. Begin by pressing the Esc key, then selecting the "Evolution" option.

evolution in Infinity NikkiImage: ensigame.com

Next, choose the outfit you wish to upgrade from the list and click on it.

clothing evolution in Infinity NikkiImage: ensigame.com

Remember to check the necessary materials. A crucial requirement is a duplicate of the complete outfit set.

clothing evolution in Infinity NikkiImage: ensigame.com

Once you have all the required items, simply click the "Evolve" button. You'll then receive the enhanced version of your outfit.

clothing evolution in Infinity NikkiImage: ensigame.com

Notice the result: the same outfit, but in a different color! This adds much-needed variety, especially for frequently used outfits.

Changing the Color of 5-Star Outfits:

Let's delve into altering the color of a 5-star outfit. First, select the desired outfit from your list.

How to change the color of 5 star outfits in infinity nikkiImage: ensigame.com

For example, let's take the ballerina-princess outfit (as I call it). If you prefer a different color, such as blue instead of pink, note the required materials.

How to change the color of 5 star outfits in infinity nikkiImage: ensigame.com

You'll need "Heartshine," a rare item obtainable in the Deep Echo tab via Resonance.

HeartshineImage: ensigame.com

The amount of Heartshine you acquire depends on the number of special crystals spent on items from the collection.

HeartshineImage: ensigame.com

Even with Heartshine, you'll still need a duplicate of the entire outfit set to complete the evolution.

What Does Evolution Affect?

Only the color of the clothing changes. Other parameters remain unchanged. Therefore, evolution won't improve your performance in fashion duels if your stats are low. Focus on acquiring high-stat wardrobe items for competitive success.

Now you understand outfit evolution in Infinity Nikki and how it enhances your wardrobe's diversity!

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