マスター 文明VII には堅牢な戦略が必要であり、あなたのリーダーはその戦略の中心です。このガイドは、 文明VII の現在確認されているすべてのリーダーの完全な概要を提供し、彼らの独自の能力とアジェンダを詳述しています。より多くの情報が利用可能になったら、このリストを更新します。
Leader | Unique Ability | Attributes | Agenda |
Amina | Warrior-Queen of Zazzau: +1 Resource Capacity in Cities. +1 Gold per Age for each Resource assigned to Cities. +5 Combat Strength on all Units in Plains and Desert. | Economic, Militaristic | Desert of the Warrior-Queen: Decreases relationship with players having more settlements on Plains or Desert tiles; increases relationship with those having none. |
Ashoka, World Conqueror (Founders Content Pack) | Devaraja: +1 Production in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Production in Settlements not founded by you. Declaring a Formal War grants a Celebration. +10 Combat Strength against Districts for all Units during a celebration. | Diplomatic, Militaristic | Without Regret: Decreases relationship with the Leader controlling the most tiles, increases relationship with the Leader controlling the fewest. |
Ashoka, World Renouncer | Dhammaraja: +1 Food in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Food in all Settlements during a Celebration. All Buildings gain a +1 Happiness adjacency for all Improvements. | Diplomatic, Expansionist | Without Sorrow: Increases relationship with the player having the highest Happiness yield; decreases relationship with the player having the lowest. |
Augustus | Imperium Maius: +2 Production in the Capital for every Town. Can purchase Culture Buildings in Towns. +50% Gold towards purchasing Buildings in Towns. | Cultural, Expansionist | Restitutor Orbis: Decreases relationship for each Town in other players’ empires; increases relationship for each City (excluding Capital) in other players’ empires. |
Benjamin Franklin | The First American: +1 Science per Age on Production Buildings in Cities. +50% Production towards construction Production Buildings. +1 Science per Age from active Endeavors you started or supported. Can have two Endeavors of the same type active at a time. | Diplomatic, Scientific | Civic Virtue: Increases Relationship gains with players sharing a Government; decreases Relationship with players not sharing a Government. |
Catherine the Great | Star of the North: +2 Culture per Age on displayed Great Works. Buildings with Great Works gain an additional slot. Cities settled in Tundra gain Science equal to 25% of their Culture per turn. | Cultural, Scientific | Dusha: Decreases relationship with the player having the most Great Works; increases relationship with the player having the fewest. Requires a Great Work for effect. |
この情報は、 文明VII でリーダーを選択するための強固な基盤を提供する必要があります。さらなる更新とゲームプレイ戦略については、逃亡者をチェックしてください。
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1.018 / 112.00M
3.3.0 / 21.00M
3 / 70.00M
2.2.1 / 1224.00M
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- 2 Roblox: 2025 年 1 月に公開されるドア コード Jan 06,2025
- 3 Blue Archive: 新しいキャラクターが戦いに加わります Dec 17,2024
- 4 Roblox グレース: コマンドの究極ガイド Jan 11,2025
- 5 Roblox:ライバルコード(2025年1月) Feb 01,2025
- 6 Roblox: Sprunki タワーディフェンス コード (2025 年 1 月) Jan 08,2025
- 7 デッドプール、ウルヴァリンが参加 MARVEL ストライクフォース - コマンドバトルRPG Dec 15,2024
- 8 Warframe Mobile の Android 向け事前登録が開始されました Jul 18,2022
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