Final Fantasy XIV's director, Naoki Yoshida (Yoshi-P), recently addressed speculation linking the recent FFXIV collaboration event with a potential Final Fantasy IX remake. The collaboration, featuring nods to FFIX within the Dawntrail expansion, fueled fan theories about an impending remake announcement.
Yoshida dispelled these rumors, clarifying the collaboration's independent nature. In an interview with JPGames, he stated that FFXIV's core concept is to serve as a "theme park" for the Final Fantasy franchise, and including FFIX elements was a natural fit within this framework. The timing of the collaboration, he emphasized, was unrelated to any potential FFIX remake project. He explicitly stated that the decision to incorporate FFIX elements into FFXIV was not driven by any commercial considerations related to a potential remake.
While dismissing the direct connection, Yoshida acknowledged the significant affection for FFIX within the FFXIV development team. He highlighted the sheer scale of FFIX, suggesting that a remake would be a substantial undertaking. This large scope, he explained, influenced the decision to incorporate FFIX elements into FFXIV as a tribute, rather than waiting for a hypothetical remake project to materialize.
Although the interview dashed hopes for an immediate remake announcement, Yoshida concluded with a supportive message, wishing any future team tackling an FFIX remake the best of luck.
In short, the FFXIV collaboration is a standalone homage to FFIX, not a precursor to a remake. Fans eagerly awaiting a FFIX remake will need to continue exercising patience, finding solace in the existing FFXIV references for now.