這是一位著名的視頻遊戲作曲家安德魯·赫爾肖特(Andrew Hulshult)的廣泛采訪,深入研究了他的職業生涯,創作過程和音樂影響力。它涵蓋了他在各種標題上的作品,包括 三合會的崛起:2013 , bombshell , dusk , er evil , prodeus , 噩夢receper 和 doom Evernal dlc,提供見解他的作品方法以及使自己的風格適應不同遊戲美學的挑戰。
對話還探索了他從早期工作到他目前在該行業中更加確立的地位的過渡,突出了圍繞視頻遊戲音樂的誤解以及平衡藝術願景與財務穩定性的重要性。 Hulshult討論了他的裝備,包括他最喜歡的吉他,拾音器,放大器和效果踏板,可瞥見他的聲音工具包。
A significant portion of the interview focuses on his experiences working on *DOOM Eternal*'s DLC, *IDKFA*, and his collaboration with id Software. He details the creative process, the challenges of working within the established *DOOM* sound, and the unexpected popularity of tracks like "Blood Swamps." The discussion also touches upon his work on the upcoming *Iron Lung* film soundtrack, his collaboration with Markiplier, and the differences between composing for film versus video games.
Hulshult shares anecdotes about his career, offering personal reflections on the creative process, the pressures of meeting expectations, and the importance of maintaining a work-life balance. He discusses his favorite tracks from various projects, his musical influences (including bands like Gojira and Metallica), and his approach to constantly learning and improving his craft. The interview concludes with a discussion of his current workflow, his thoughts on recent Metallica albums, and a look at his most prized piece of music memorabilia.